How to revive the water repellency using NIKWAX and its effect(water proof)
- 2018.09.08
- 釣り全般(エギング&ショアキャスティング)
- NIKWAX, ウエア, エギングを始める, ショアジギングを始める, フィッシングギア

Have you had a good fishing life?
This article is about “How to revive the water repellency using NIKWAX and its effect”.
A raincoat,a rain jackets,a cap,a knit cap for fishing often has water repellency(water proof).
Shortly after your purchase them,theier water repellency is very strong.
But,after a period of time,your fishing tool lose water repellency.
At that time,you can revive water repellency of your fishing gear.
Water repellency of rain gear
Fishing is what do in the nature.
So,you are occasionally caught a sudden shower.
I recommend that you bring rain gear or fishing coat for protection from the wind ,rain,sea spray.
But,fishing coat is expensive.The water repellency of expensive fishing coat may will lost power of water repellency in a few years.
So,I introduce the way to revive the water repellency using NIKWAX.
What is NIKWAX
NIKWAX is a liquid which give a clothing or bag the power of water repelency.
NIKWAX is cheap and excellent.
There are two types NIKWAX for giving water repellency.
TECH WASH remove strongly small dirts on a clothes.
TECH WASH is green bottle.(left)
In fact,powder detergent or soap scum remain on clothes after rinsing.
They reduce the power of water repellency on fishing clothes.
NIKWAX TECH WASH remove them strongly.
DIRECT WASH-IN give water repellency to clothes, knit cap,bag,gloves,scocks etc..
TECH WASH is blue bottle.(right)
In the past,I use only DIRECT WASH-IN and failed to give the power of water repellency.
To give water repellency,You must use both NIKWAX.
To the product above picture in Rakuten global market
To the product above picture in Rakuten global market
How to use NIKWAX and its effect
Official treatment is that
set washing machine volume of water setting on 20ℓ.
TECH WASH 300㎖ and clothes put into washing machine.
Then do the laundry as usual.
After finishing the first laundry,put DIRECT WASH-IN 300㎖ into washing machine.
Then do the laundry as usual.
Hang washing out to dry.
By this treatment,I have a gut feeling that the power of water repellency maintain one or two year.
But by this treatment,You must use massive NIKWAX and cost alot.
So,I introduce my original way to use NIKWAX and giving the power of water repellency.
My original way to use NIKWAX and giving the power of water repellency
①Do a laundry without entering anything
First,to remove dirt roughly,
close the zipper,do a laundry.
Do not hang out.
In this time,I use to experiments
・snowboard wear
I wear snowboard wear when go to squid fishing in winter.
I bought this snow board wear by Blue Blood 10 years ago.
He lost the power of water repellency now.
When I splash water to this snow board wear,It absorb water.
(I treated this wear with NIKWAX about 3 years ago)
This fishing wear is that I bought about 20 years ago.
When I splash water to this fishing wear,It absorb water like a towel.www
This knit cap is not originally water repellency.
When I splash water to this fishing wear,It absorb water than towel do .www
②Wash with TECH(green bottle)
TECH WASH has sharp smell.
Wash in bathroom keeping the fan running or outdoors.
Fill tepid water into a large bucket or bait container about 15ℓ.
In this amount,you can give 6 fishing cloth the power of water repellency.
Add TECH WASH(green bottle) 300㎖ to 15ℓ tepid water.
Put fishing clothes which done laundry in this TECH WASH water.
About 10 min,wash it stepping it on and rubbing it with your foot. Then…..
Although you did a laundry it,dirts come out.
③Do a laundry without entering anything
Do a laundry without entering anything to wash away TECH WASH.
]Do not hang out.
④Give the power of water repellency using DIRECT WASH-IN(blue bottle)
As lIke ②treatment,fill tepid water into bucket about 20ℓ.
Add DIRECT WASH-IN(blue bottle) 300㎖ to 20ℓ tepid water.
Put fishing clothes which done laundry in this DIRECT WASH-IN water.
About 10 min,wash it stepping it on and rubbing it with your foot as like ②treatment.
⑤Do a laundry with DIRECT WASH-IN water
Put fihing clothes with DIRECT WASH-IN water which you used into washing machine.
Do a laundry.
⑥Hang it out in shade
Hang it out in shade for 2 or 3 days.
That is All.
Then,let’s look at the effect of NIKWAX.
The effect of NIKWAX
Snowboard wear which has water repellency originally,regain the power of water repellency.
Fishing wear absorbing water as like towel,gain the water repellency.
Knit cap with no water repellency,gain the water repellency.
In addition,jacket I bought it in used cloth shop for 2$.
2$ turns into fishing jacket with water repellency.
In this time,I use two NIKWAX TECH WASH and DIRECT WASH-IN.
To the product above picture in Rakuten global market
To the product above picture in Rakuten global market
Summary of “How to revive the water repellency using NIKWAX and its effect”
Fishing gear has to have water repellency.
In rany and windy day,You can go fishing comfortably with fishing clothes having water repellency.
The power of water repellency of NIKWAX is strong and long lasting than waterproof spray.
You can revive the water repellency to your fishing clothes which has lost the power of water repellency ,by NIKWAX.
But,by the treatment I introduce,your foot gain water repellency.
Thank you for watching until the end.
I tried to write an article written in Japanese as English.
I am in poor English, but I would like to translate my Japanese articles into English little by little.
People who can not stand up to update can see other pages in Japanese.
Thank you.

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