Convenient squid fishing tools popular in Japan
- 2019.09.13
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Have you good fishing trip ?
This page is about
Introduction of squid fishing tools made in Japan, which is popular in Japan.
I think that
A fishing tools made in Japan is
- full of ideas
- easy to use
- convenient
- also popular overseas
- 1. A cooler suits for squid fishing,compact and easy to carry
- 2. Light
- 3. line cutter
- 4. Squid gaff recommended for squid fishing
- 5. Polarized sunglasses
- 6.
- 7. Squid stinger
- 8.
- 9. fishing gloves
- 10. Hook keeper
- 11. Shoes for reef
- 12. Magnetic releaser
- 13. Summary of “Convenient squid fishing tools popular in Japan”
A cooler suits for squid fishing,compact and easy to carry
If you want to back to home with fresh squids you caught,
you must take a cooler to fishing spot.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
A compact cooler is convenient for squid fishing.
I recommend this cooler made by DAIWA.
It is necessary for fishing in the night.
You perhaps have a light which on your head.
I introduce a chest light more convenient for squid fishing in the night
Many angler use head light,
I use chest light
good point
- it do not make the shade of cap
- you can do fine-adjustment
- you can operate seeing it
bad point
- some angler dislike put on him neck
I recommend this chest light,using this light around clavicle.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
I think
Though this light is expensive, you may be satisfied by chest light.
It is waterproof,but can not dunk into water.
This chest light consume much electric energy.
So,I use Nickel metal hydride battery.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
line cutter
This cut off nyron line or fluorocarbon line.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
If you have scissors,It is danger.
I recommend line cutter like nail clippers like above.
It seems that
you cut off PE line with heat.
Squid gaff recommended for squid fishing
I want to introduce this fishing tool widspread!!
It is very easy to use.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
Short gaff Ⅲ by KANJI international
This fishing tool is very popular in Japanese anglers.
I use this in the YOUTUBE movie below.
【YOUTUBE MOVIE(English sub)】
Please subscribe to my channel!
We look forward to your support(>_<)
If you want to use this easily,should check another my page,which introduce how to use it.
(You can read in English )
Polarized sunglasses
polarized sunglasses is that
give you eyesite into the sea.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
When you wear polarized sunglasses,
you can see the squid chasing you squid jig.
This polarized sunglasses help your looking at PE line.
Squid stinger
You use squid stinger to kill squid.
Squid stinger is necessary for that
you will eat the delicious squid.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
(to other squid stinger)
When you kill squid,
you sting the squid stinger to between squid eyes.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
When squid color becomes tranceparent,
pick it up and into ziploc.
fishing gloves
The gloves for fishing give you grip power,
helping jark and fight with big squid.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
When you wear fishiing gloves,
you can do squid fihshing comfortable,
by helping grip power.
I recommend your wear fishing gloves,when you go to squid fishing.
Hook keeper
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
A hook keeper is a tool hooked a squid jig.
This fishing tool help you for run & gun fishing.
Shoes for reef
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
This is shoes for shore reef fishing.
You must wear shoes for reef fishing,when you go to fishing to reef.
This shoes adopt Tungsten pin!
Tungsten has high resistance to rust and wear.
If you want to know the detail of this shoes,should check another my page,which introduce shoes for shorereef.
(You can read in English )
Magnetic releaser
magnetic releaser is
strong magnet for sticking fishing tool.
【Touch the photo,to see the detail】
I recommend using magnetic releaser for stiking squid gaff.
If you want to know the detail of this magnetic releaser,should check another my page,which introduce it.
(You can read in English )
Summary of “Convenient squid fishing tools popular in Japan”
This time,I introduce squid fishing tool popular in Japan.
I hope that these fishing tool in Japan will become popular tool abroad.
Other my pages for squid fishing
(You can read in English )

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Hook keeper is useful for squid fishing 2019.08.24